I absolutely love throwing parties. I think it’s a great way to spend time with people you care about and get in touch with people you may have not seen in a while. However, I know that not many people share my sentiment about throwing parties. Most people are lazy and would prefer to just show up at a party, eat, drink, have fun, and leave without having to worry about any clean-up or responsibilities. If you are one of those people, I will tell you that I used to be very much like you. I used to be like you, but I have changed and become a much better person. And the good news is that it is not too late for you to change either! Throwing parties and hosting your own gatherings is much more fulfilling and rewarding than just going to someone else’s place and taking advantage of their hard work. To help people like you figure out how to throw a party in your own home, apartment, dorm room, or other personal space, I put together a list of tips and advice that will be helpful to even the most novice party throwers.
The first tip I have for you is to stop being worried about people coming over. Like, your bathroom does not need to be beautifully finished, nor your living room and kitchen completely spotless. I promise that, unless you are living in a complete pig-sty, your living space does not look as messy as you think it does. Most people will not even notice, and if people have a problem with your home or apartment; too bad! The important thing to remember is that people enjoy being invited over to a party by someone they like and will not care whatsoever about how your living space looks.
Another tip for you is to have really good food. Now if you don’t want to make things complicated in this area either, you certainly do not have to. Simply ordering something from a restaurant to have brought in is fine; you don’t have to cook an extravagant dinner with all the fixings to make people happy. Go to the store, buy some chips and some candy boxes, then order a few pizzas and call it a day! Some people enjoy getting real fancy and complicated in the food department, but I don’t really operate this way either. So for real, you can just go for it and get whatever the heck you want. People like free food no matter what! My one suggestion is that you don’t cook or prepare food yourself if you aren’t somewhat competent in making it. Serving up home-made food that tastes bad is a sure way to make things really awkward at your party.
A final tip I have for you is to ask for help! When the party's over, see if a couple of your close friends or family want to stick around for a few minutes and help clean up a little bit. Most people would be more than happy to do this for you! Just make sure to recycle appropriate items like candy boxes, pizza boxes, glass bottles, aluminum cans, etc. I wish you luck on your future party adventures and hope that things go well for you!